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Who writes for Technology Bloggers?
Good question. The janitor/caretaker of this blog is Christopher. He keeps everything running smoothly and also writes some of the content. However he is not the only one! Many people write for this fantastic community technology blog. Here is a list of all contributors and their rank:
- Christopher – Administrator
- Jonny – Editor
- Ron – Author
(currently ‘Contributor’ status at his request)
- Steve – Author
Christopher:- Runs his own website and two blogs. He gave up his own technology blog in order to make sure that Technology Bloggers was a success. Check out his profile for more.

Matt:- Has been a blogger for many years now and is an experienced one at that. He loves using WordPress and is pretty good with anything CSS and PHP! Colleen:- Owns her own marketing company called Enyo Marketing. She loves new technology and also likes writing. If you need something SEO or PR, it would seem that Colleen is the person you want!
Bhattman:- Is the writer for a blog called The F1 Blog. He loves F1 and is also interested in technology – especially the technology behind sport.
Marc:- Works in Berkeley, California with collage students. He runs a blog called 360 Church which is about a creative church in Berkeley.
Hayley:- Is a ‘science and tech buff’ with here own website called Microscope Master. She enjoys writing and learning about the latest research into microscopes, microscopy techniques and anything ‘nano’!
Kyle:- Works in web design for a cartridge firm called CartridgeExpress. The business sells printer cartridges in the UK.
Joe:- Writes on behalf of a site called Broadband Genie. His area of speciality is advice on anything broadband and mobile phone related.
Laura:- Works for a firm called Zabisco. The company is a ‘user experience agency’ which attempts to help users maximise their online experience. Laura writes about ways in which individuals and firms can improve their internet experience.
Alan:- Is a software engineer specialising in digital security. He has his own blog called Blogging Fever where he mainly writes blogging tips and ideas.
Kevin:- Likes to write about online technologies. These include web applications for businesses, cloud computing and electronic signature technology.
Ron:- Is a mobile app developer. He likes to think of himself as a ‘non geeky‘ techie, researching new applications and technologies in his spare time.
Jonny:- A musician in has past life, Jonny’s specialist field is science and ethics. He reports for the Bassetti Foundation on innovation and responsibility. Jonny writes about everything from health, the environment and exciting breakthrough technologies to social media, robotics and privacy.
Kaushal:- A director at Aaris SEO India, you could call Kaushal an expert in his industry. Kaushal enjoys writing about SEO and other related topics.
Alex:- Is a ‘Mac fanatic’, a journalist and technology blogger, who likes writing about pretty much anything internet, and technology related!
Rob:- Really likes media! He likes using his own media to burn personal disks, or as he likes to call them masterpieces!
Adam:- Writes on behalf of the site he owns which helps users decide on the right contract for them – What Contract. Here, Adam likes to write about anything and everything mobile and contract related!
Tom:- Works for an SEO company in the UK, and maintains a personal blog called Armenante. Tom likes to write about all stuff Apple, SEO and fun technology!
Alvina:- Is a freelance writer who loves blogging! She is part of a site called Accredited Online Colleges which helps people with their academic futures.
Andrew:- Works with small and medium businesses and entrepreneurs, marketing and providing digital media guidance.
John:- Describes himself as a tech enthusiast, and writes about current technologies and how to improve user experience.
Jonathan:- Writes on behalf of the company he works for, Integral IT – which all about helping companies improve their IT systems. He likes to write about websites and blogs, epically regarding security.
Daniel:- Is a blogger who likes to write about lots of things, business being one of them. He is based in the UK, and blogs as part of his job.
Scott:- Is a Twitter avid blogger, who likes video games and writes about most things tech, internet and social media based.
Mariana:- Likes blogging about technology, and write on behalf of the site online colleges, which helps people make decisions about their education.
Victor:- Is an expert in the cloud computing field, as he works for a company which provides cloud computing services. He likes more than just cloud computing though, with social media, and technology in general taking his fancy!
Angeline:- Likes writing about ways that you can get the best deal when shopping.
Annabelle:- Is writer by profession, and likes writing about a wide variety of things in the entertainment sector of technology.
Kelly:- Likes writing and does it for work and a hobby. She likes writing about many different topics that interest her, including the social sphere, technology and cooking.
Hazel:- Works for a web design company in Los Angeles, and likes writing about the social web, and its links with the business world.
Kevin Ashwe:- Is a freelance writer who likes writing about technology and internet related stuff.
Evan:- Is a part time student and freelance writer, who likes to write for lots of blogs.
Rashed:- Has a degree in software engineering, and likes writing about business and technology.
Hayley Francis:- Likes blogging about all things IT, and how it interacts with businesses. She writes on behalf a firm providing IT support in London.
Tammi:- Is an inbound marketing specialist, and a freelance writer, who maintains many blogs, one of which is about her interest in quinoa.
William:- Likes technology and photography and is trained in web design and SEO strategies.
Sharon:- Works in the cloud computing industry and takes an interest in Google and its different services.
Nick:- Loves the outdoors and is a mountain climber by profession. He has a blog called Outdoor Gear Madness, where he offers coupons for the latest gear, and also reviews products.
Daniela:- Is a small business blogger at CreditDonkey, where she helps web and tech savvy entrepreneurs apply for credit cards online.
Nishadha:- Is a software engineer, who loves technology, especially social media. For a living he is an SEO consultant based in Sri Lanka.
Luke:- Takes a keen interest in football and Formula 1, and likes keeping up to date with tech news.
Jon:- Is a consultant who has over 10 years in the IT industry. He loves writing about technology, and helping others via sharing his knowledge.
Jaime:- Likes outdoor adrenaline seeking sports, and takes a keen interest in broadband, especially superfast broadband!
Henry:- Has written for many big global institutions and on behalf of many firms and political agencies, including the Wall Street Journal. Here, Henry likes to write about online security.
Vinod:- Is an IT expert, and likes to help users improve their computing experience.
Jenny:- Is a freelance blogger by profession, and likes writing technology, social media and blogging related content.
Michelle:- Is an expert on sleep, and likes to write about how technology can help improve your sleep, and your health.
Penny:- Is a big fan of sitcoms, and likes writing about various technology topics, especially about new technology developments.
Farshad:- Loves blogging and has written hundreds of articles for various different technology blogs. He is also the owner of his own blog – WML Cloud.
Susan:- Is in the insurance industry, and likes to blog about all sorts of things from health and jobs to real estate and (unsurprisingly) insurance.
Michael:- Is relatively new to blogging, but is very passionate about it! He likes to blog about technology, and security, probably because he is also a private investigator.
Joe Pawlikowski:- Has been a blogger/writer for some time now, and especially likes to post about telecommunications, and mobile technology.
Natalia:- Is interested in IT security, specifically for mobile phones and PCs. She likes to blog about this area to help others.
Paul:- Has been in the computer industry for a while now, and likes to write about how to speed up your PC.
Chadrack:- Is a web entrepreneur, who writes innovative articles about the world of business for many different sites, including his own: Web Income Journal. He often writes in great detail, and you can always rely on him to provide food for thought 🙂
Elijah:- Likes playing chess, and is an established American writer who likes to blog about technology.
Wes:- Writes for a profession, and likes to cover a variate of topics, mainly focussing on reviews of online storage.
Steve:- Is a big fan of apps, specifically iPhone apps! In 2009 he started his journey of discovery into the world of smartphone apps, and now writes reviews of them. He also writes for AlphaDigits.
Matt Rawlings:- Is a writer based in the UK who loves everything gadget.
Katheryn:- Is a freelance writer who takes a specific interest in education. She classes herself as an avid blogger and also likes to write about technology.
Katerina:- Works for a firm called Intellectsoft Ltd and likes to write about news from the smartphone industry.
Debra:- Is a blogger who likes to write business focused articles, she also owns a website called Live-In Nanny.
Henry Conrad:- Is a game developer from New Mexico, who likes writing literature, as well as blog posts.
Ben:- Based in New Zealand Ben is a techie who loves the outdoors. He describes himself as an urban Neanderthal, as he has a strong hunter gatherer instinct.
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