Five changes in video conferencing for the next decade

The collapse of the global economy has left big business needing to cut costs in every coroner it possibly can. For many executives the solution lies in finding high tech alternatives to many of the most costly aspects of business. One of the most effective ways this is being done is through video conferencing.

The constant stream of meetings and sales pitches being presented all over the world in the flesh accompanied by high priced business class air fairs and four star hotel rooms are coming to an end. More and more organisations are looking to replace this with video conferencing, making international meetings a far quicker and cheaper process.

As the quality of video conference technology improves and the experience gets closer to that of a real life encounter the adoption of video conferencing technology is only going to become more wide spread.

Video conferencing is already available in extremely fast frame rates at full HD resolutions, but what else can be done to help make the form of communication seem more real. What are the technological developments we can expect in the next decade?

Skype's Logo

Skype can be used as a video conferencing tool

1 – Translation software

With video conferencing making global operations affordable for even smaller business, more business are going to be looking to have presence over seas and this will call for low cost translation services.

Translation software is quickly developing; two years ago we saw the iPod app that used it’s camera to instantly translate any written text, and this will quickly be combined with high quality voice recognition technologies that are become standard on the new generation of smart phones. We are not far off software that will quickly and efficiently translate the spoken word.

2 – Holographic projection

Previously the types of light needed for this kind of projection were too hot to be used in the kinds of small devices available in offices. However laser lighting means that holographic projectors will soon be able to be built small enough for not only office use, but could also be built into many portable devices such as smartphones.

Flash memory in smart phones could soon be replaced with a new storage format based on this technology, holographic memory. This will greatly increase storage capacities as the same area of a storage device can be used multiple times by projecting the light at different angles, read speeds will also become much faster as holo-memory can be read from many different points in parallel. This eliminates many of the large file size issues that have been hindering the spread of video technology

3 – Video takes over from the written word

As high quality webcams become more standard features on modern netbooks and better integrated with communications services such as Facebook, it is expected that people will begin to move away from writing emails and instead compose video mail instead.

For many a video message is quicker and easier and also seems more personal, now that it is as easy as clicking a button on Facebook to send one it is only a matter of time until they over take emails in the frequency with which they are sent for personal communication. The paper trail that emails leave behind may mean it takes longer for them to be used in business.

4 – A rise in personal broadcasting

YouTube videos are increasingly becoming an entertainment format that rivals television. The content on You Tube that is produced by individuals or very small companies is now genuinely entertaining yet far cheaper to produce than more traditional formats. With cost cutting becoming more essential these lower budget forms of entertainment are only going to increase. This could shift the way the entertainment industry is structured with more talent choosing to run there own company and be there own boss broadcasting themselves over the web.

5 – Increased usage of Telehealth

Also expect to see the medical industries developing more technologies based on video conferencing which will allow doctors to diagnose and treat patients from a distance. Telehealth hardware is already on track to be a $990 million market by 2015 and predictions are that this will continue to $6 billion five years after that.

At the moment telemedicine technologies are very much focused on developing countries, where there are shortages of doctors in rural communities. As telemedicine technology improves though it could be adopted in the west too allowing anyone to be treated by the best doctors in the world, no matter there location.

Conference calling has never been so easy!

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When you think of conference calling, you think (of I do) of complicated systems where big businesses get in contact with each other, or where employees within big businesses contact each other.

Then along came the likes of Skype and Google Talk introduced VoIP, and the whole thing became much simpler, opening it up to a much bigger market, not just big businesses.

Recently I came across a site called Powwownow, which is a voice conferencing site. Powwownow uses both VoIP (for its web and video conferencing) and telephone conferencing.Powwownow LogoThis means that you can use its conference call services via the phone, rather than having to do it over the internet. Now many people prefer the internet, I understand that, however telephone conference calling also has its merits.

With VoIP you are subject to drop-out if you don’t have a very stable internet connection. Say you are calling across time zones, meaning that you are calling someone at 8:30pm, then half an hour into your call, when peak time internet usage starts, you could experience slower internet speeds and ultimately drop-out – a logistical nightmare! Telephones don’t really experience this issue.

Furthermore, with VoIP it can often be hard to understand people due to poor microphones being used by whoever you are calling, now telephones don’t offer the clearest quality possible, but it’s usually pretty easy to understand someone using one!

Powwownow’s system is dead easy, all you need do is enter your email address and you will be given a pin. You then contact whoever you want to be in the call and tell them when you want the call to be, what the pin is and the dial in number. Finally, ring up their dial in number, enter your pin and start conferencing!

This all makes conferencing easy, quick, secure, and thanks to low international rates, cheap too!

Do you conference call others as part of your job, or do you do conference style calls to get in contact with friends or relatives? Why not try a free conference call courtesy of Powwownow and let us know how you get on!

Is the future of telecommunication VoIP?

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The rate at which people are opting for mobile VoIP suggests that it is going to become the most popular mode of communication in the coming times.

The huge cost difference between mobile VoIP and ordinary mobile networks posses a great threat to the later and that is why several mobile operators have even tried to halt the widening streak of mobile VoIP.

Voice over Internet ProtocolHowever, the striking difference with which the mobile VoIP is beneficial for the users, has rendered mobile operators accept the fact that the coming era belongs to VoIP. This understanding has made a number of mobile operators switching to the mobile VoIP instead of conventional mobiles, thus competitors being turned into supporters. Consequently, more customers are opting for the switches to avail a better range of options, better technology and increased convenience at lower rates. The very launch of mobile VoIP into already existing VoIP is an innovator step which is much likely to revolutionize the telecommunication world in the years to come.

The commencement of VoIP technology was not that successful in the beginning owing to the fact that lowering of cost was compensated by a compromise on the quality. The internet basis of VoIP instead of a landline was being adopted by only price conscious lot whereas the quality conscious lot was reluctant to make a shift. However, over the years, the quality of VoIP has been several fold bettered and even the landline phones are lagging behind in the clarity and sound quality of VoIP. The amalgam improved quality and low cost renders VoIP a smart technology and a wise alternative to conventional telephone land lines system. Owing to such strikingly favourable features, VoIP is gaining its popularity in private as well as business sector.

The success and acceptance of VoIP has led to the development of mobile VoIP that has further transformed the world of telecommunication. Mobile VoIP, though a newly introduced technology, is likely to be accepted open armed by the quality and price conscious lot and soon, the contemporary mobile market will be taken over by mobile VoIP. If viewed in the long run, mobile VoIP undoubtedly is going to be the centre of attraction in the coming years.

The acceptance that VoIP service is presently enjoying, it can be anticipated that a further beneficial technology as that of mobile VoIP will definitely grab its right share in the market.

Mobile VoIP being the smartest technological outcome with all the supportive features and the cost effectiveness is likely to be adopted by both private as well as business sector in the years to come. The reasons for which the home and businesses VoIP is being adopted by people are still intact and even further beneficial in case of mobile VoIP which suggests a radical acceptance of later amongst the masses.