Which social buttons do you want on the blog?

Technology Bloggers is a community blog, therefore it is only right that the community are consulted on the decisions made.

My question to you is which social networks do you use, and which would you like to be able to connect with on the blog?

There are four main places you can get social on our Technology Bloggers at the moment: the first is the social icons in the header; the second is our social buttons on the sidebar; the third is the social buttons at the top of articles; and the forth is the social icons at the bottom of articles. Check out the image below to see them all.

Social Icons

Technology Bloggers social icons and buttons

My worry is, that we are not providing the buttons/icons you want. I just assume that everyone wants Facebook and Twitter, but do you use them?

In the image above you can see all of the buttons we provide you with. I never really thought we had that many, but putting them all together, there are a lot!

If I know what everyone uses, I can get rid of any unnecessary buttons, and potentially add some more useful ones in.

Which social buttons do you want? Let me know in the comments.

Here are some ideas:

  • Google: Google +1; Google+ Share; Google Buzz
  • Facebook: Facebook Like; Facebook Share
  • Twitter: Twitter Follow; Twitter Tweet; TweetMeme
  • Buffer
  • LinkedIn
  • Reddit
  • DZone
  • StumbleUpon
  • Topsy
  • Digg
  • Delicious
  • Yahoo Buzz
  • DesignBump
  • Serpd
  • TheWebBlend
  • BlogEngage
  • Pinterest
  • Flattr

9 thoughts on “Which social buttons do you want on the blog?

  1. Great list and nice topic. I have wondered before just which social buttons I should put on my site and because of allt he different types its hard to know exactly which ones are “must” haves.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Okay, so LinkedIn and Twitter, got those two already 🙂
      Facebook will stay for now, as it is one of the most used.

      Thanks for the feedback Sarah, welcome to the blog!
      Christopher – Admin Team

  2. Hmm, that is a good question and one that I ask myself with regards to my blog.

    For me, I would try to target the most popular options: Facebook, Twitter and Google+, which you seem to have done.

    From there you can look at other popular networks, such as LinkedIn as Sarah suggested. If you plan on using a lot of images, perhaps Pinterest is also an option. I use a plugin that will place the “Pin it” button within the image itself, so a separate button isn’t needed.

    • Christopher (admin team)

      Thanks for the feedback Paul, you have given me the perspective of a fellow blogger, but put your readers hat on now. As a reader of the blog, what would you like to see, what do you use?

      Thanks for the contribution Paul, welcome to the community 🙂
      Christopher – Admin Team

  3. I think most readers use only Twitter and Facebook. The rest are mostly used by bloggers to drive traffic to their blogs. Personally, when I read blog posts on other blogs, I will share them on Facebook and also tweet it. I don’t use the rest of the buttons at all.

  4. I think it is always a good idea to promote in few places and give readers fewer options. Personally I only use Facebook, Twitter, G+ and LinkedIn to share stuff. Having all those buttons will surely have an effect on your page loads as well.

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