Selling second hand items online

The world is caught up in a massive credit crunch which has turned every consumer into a spendthrift. Maximizing resources has been declared one of the most predominant consumer trends in 2012. Popular auctioning sites have become playgrounds for shoppers and sellers alike. Re-purposed goods have created such a massive niche that recommence is now a part of first world culture.

Spendthrift Nation

Second hand childrens toys

A jumble sale of second hand toys

The economic climate has had a lot to do with the boom in recommence, but the benefits of selling and buying re-purposed goods has lasted as long as it has on the strength of its other benefits. In the past, selling second hand items was inconvenient, demanding that consumers use stores that bought at low prices to create space for further mark ups. The internet has cut out profit hunting middlemen, allowing you to sell your second hand items online directly from home. Today it takes little more than a five minute registration process to re-purpose old items.

One Man’s Meat is Another Man’s Poison

Regardless of how unusable an old item may seem to its owner, the global marketplace offers up a massive consumer group bound to include at least one buyer who will find value in another person’s junk. The World Wide Web has extended the contacts list of the average consumer, introducing a myriad of potential buyers.

Security and Convenience

Online auction sites have made resale a streamlined process by offering shipping and packaging services for consumers who want to profit effortlessly from their old items. Secure online banking services ensure that buyers and sellers are kept safe from the penny pinching public.

One Stop Shopping

In a brick and mortar environment, it can take months to find a buyer. The traditional garage sale demanded that you invite strangers into your own home over weekends that would be better spent elsewhere. Today’s online vendors separate consumers into groups according to indexed categories, sending sellers a whittled down group of appropriate buyers. A single site may act as a retailer for products as diverse as fashion, décor, gadgets and tools, so you need visit only one vendor to sell a closet full of unwanted widgets.

Global Economies

The sheer size of the global marketplace means that low value items can be bartered up to produce often startling returns. A fourth edition novel from the Eighties might sell for a few dollars at a brick and mortar store. When you place items on sale, the internet gives you the potential to find buyers who overvalue items and are thus willing to pay far more for them. A buyer who attaches sentimental value to that second hand book is generally willing to part with a significant chunk of income in exchange for personal value. The online marketplace operates according to its own economy, where demand is directly proportionate to the unique personal value individuals place on niche products.

Scarcity is another predominant force that pushes price tags well beyond real world worth.

Win $150 thanks to Technology Bloggers 3 blog competition!

Today marks the launch of Technology Bloggers second ever competition, with a total prize fund of $150 USD PayPal cash!

Win one of 3 $50 prizes in our $150 giveaway!Technology Bloggers has teamed up with two other blogs to provide 3 $50 USD prizes in a $150 joint blog giveaway!

You can enter for your chance to win one of our $50 prizes, and it couldn’t be easier!

For many of us at the moment, times are hard. The global economy is currently trying to recover from an economic downturn, meaning in many countries unemployment high and inflation is eroding the purchasing power of your money.

Given the above, what reason is there for you not to enter our three blog giveaway? Thanks to our competition, you and two other people could soon be $50/£32/€40 better off!

Enough talk from me, scroll down to start entering the competition!

Remember, the more options you enter, the greater the chance you have of winning!

Please note: Winners will have all their entries verified. Should you win and claim to have done something, but have not, you will be disqualified, and another winner will be randomly chosen.


Don’t forget to look up ↑ and check the terms and conditions!

Come back tomorrow to gain more entries!

The giveaway is open world wide, and will end at 12:01am on Saturday the 11th of August 2012 EST (GMT-4).

Winners will be emailed shortly after the competition ends, and will have 5 days (120 hours) to respond and claim their winnings.

Good luck everyone! 🙂

Can green technology help us get out of the red?

Most people know that the world has recently emerged from an economic recession. Many people also know that we are all dangerously close to slipping back in, and are replying on governments around the world to keep us in the black.

However, has anyone thought about green technology as a way of helping steer an economy back to growth and prosper?

Well it would appear that Scotland might be doing just that, as they are trying to encourage as many as 600 companies to move into the ‘green economy’ in order to boost profitability. The green economy consists mainly of renewable energy sources, and low-carbon technologies.

Scottish flag - offshore wind farm

Scotland seem to have recognised that there could soon be big money in this industry, hence the drive towards getting more firms into the industry.

In its attempts to become the industry leader in green technology, Scotland’s Finance Secretary, John Swinney has said that he wants to increase exports 50% by 2017 and encourage inward investment in green and low-carbon technologies.

Unemployment seems to be a problem everywhere at the moment, but Mr Swinney’s new ‘green growth’ plans are likely to create around 130,000 jobs by the year 2020.

What do you think, is Scotland taking a step in the right direction by investing in green technologies, or is is a risky option to take given the current global economic climate?