Writing frequency

Today I pose a question: is it possible to blog on a daily basis?

It is easy to ‘scrape’ content on a daily basis, but can you write and publish a really good post every day? Jonny seems to have publishing weekly down to a tee, every week we get something new and thought provoking. 4 to 5 posts each month, every month.

I have a more erratic style of publishing, 2 posts in January, 5 in December, 1 in November, 3 in October, 5 in September, none in August – you get the picture.

I like to spend a lot of time on articles. I usually do a lot of research and background reading to try and put together an interesting, factually sound piece of work. I am a little bit of a perfectionist, which is sometimes really good, but it can be annoying. If I care about something, I like to put a lot of work into it. I care for this blog, so I want every post to be really good. Not every post I publish has or will be really good. I need to face the facts.

So, I as I am writing this I am setting myself a challenge. Write an article at least once a week and hit publish. No faffing around, just write a post and publish it every Monday.

A blog needs posts. I need to be consistent.

See you next Monday.

Over and out.

2 thoughts on “Writing frequency

  1. Great, I look forward to reading them.
    I feel that having a deadline, even if it is self imposed, helps in the writing process. A piece has to be finished, and it has to be good enough. It also adds to the variety of things I publish, because I am constantly on the look out and that takes me into different fields.
    Even making them into a series makes it more difficult as the material has to be coherent, but a weekly mulling has the feel of an editorial so can be broad and contain unlinked content.
    Roll them out!

    • Thanks for the encouragement Jonny. I cheated a little with my first post, writing it in advance and then scheduling it. I am unable to write until Monday afternoon, so this week will be the real test!

      I would agree that it helps with variety as you are always on the lookout for ideas for this weeks article.

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